Fluidez – Legalidad

The international dynamics of foreign trade require our experts to develop the best quality and value-added services to offer our clients the right solutions to improve customs compliance:

Customs compliance

  • Foreign Trade Diagnosis
  • Review of the foreign trade process
  • Electronic audit of risk factors
  • Reconstruction of temporary imports and their returns
  • Support for the legal stay of fixed assets
  • Opinion letters on individual consultations
  • Recurring and active counseling program
  • Analysis of operating schemes in Mexico
  • VAT treatment of international transactions

Certifications, registrations and promotion programs

  • Register of importers and Sectoral
  • IMMEX and Prosec Program
  • Business Certification Scheme for VAT and IEPS modality
  • Authorized Economic Operator (AEO)
  • Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT)

Foreign Trade Automation:consultancy for the implementation of electronic tools; automation and consultancy for the implementation of the automated Annex 24 system

Support in SAT review procedures: home visit, requirements, invitation letters, legal stay of fixed assets

Incorporating package: support in the incorporation of new business in Mexico for the analysis of permits, programs and certifications necessary to carry out its operation as well as its management and obtaining


  • Detection and economic determination of foreign trade risks
  • Planning of activities for the future operation of foreign trade
  • Foreign Trade Administration
  • Temporal importance through the Annex 24 system

Administration of Foreign Trade activities in the field of

Customs Compliance

  • Administration of the Digital File of Foreign Trade

Customs Training

Analysis of the origin of international treaties and trade agreements
