Second advance version of the First Resolution of Modifications to the RMF 2024
El 21 de mayo de 2024, el Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT) publicó la segunda versión anticipada de la Primera Resolución de Modificaciones a la Resolución Miscelánea Fiscal (RMF) para 2024. En ese sentido, a continuación, se comparten algunas de las modificaciones contenidas en dicho...
Frequently asked questions on the filing of the Annual Return for corporations for fiscal year 2023
En esta temporada de declaraciones será importante conocer las peculiaridades del nuevo formato. En ese sentido, el Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT) dio a conocer las preguntas frecuentes en la presentación de la Declaración Anual para personas morales del ejercicio 2023. Al respecto,...
Determination of the Annual Premium for Occupational Risks Insurance
La Ley del Seguro Social y sus reglamentos establecen diversas obligaciones para los patrones registrados ante el Seguro Social, una de ellas es la de revisar y determinar anualmente en el mes de febrero, su siniestralidad a fin de verificar si ésta se mantiene, aumenta o disminuye respecto a la...
Second advance version of the First Resolution of Modifications to the RMF 2024

Second advance version of the First Resolution of Modifications to the RMF 2024

El 21 de mayo de 2024, el Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT) publicó la segunda versión anticipada de la Primera Resolución de Modificaciones a la Resolución Miscelánea Fiscal (RMF) para 2024. En ese sentido, a continuación, se comparten algunas de las modificaciones contenidas en dicho documento. Se...

Second advance version of the First Resolution of Modifications to the RMF 2024
On May 21, 2024, the Tax Administration Service (SAT) published the second anticipated version of the First Resolution of Amendments to the Miscellaneous Tax Resolution (RMF) for 2024. In that sense, below, we share some of the most important...
Frequently asked questions on the filing of the Annual Return for corporations for fiscal year 2023
In this tax return season it will be important to know the peculiarities of the new format. In this regard, the Tax Administration Service (SAT) released the frequently asked questions on the filing of the Annual Income Tax Return for legal entities for the year 2010....
Determination of the Annual Premium for Occupational Risks Insurance
The Social Security Law and its regulations establish several obligations for employers registered with the Social Security, one of which is to review and determine their accident rate annually in the month of February in order to verify whether it is being maintained,...
2023 Annual Financial Statements Guide
In order to facilitate the compliance of corporate taxpayers, the Tax Administration Service has issued the guide for filling out the basic financial statements and accounting-tax reconciliation required by the corresponding application...

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